Single Sign On

Aristotle supports single sign on through OIDC or SAML. Follow the steps below to get started.


If you have an OIDC provider you want to use, create a client for aristotle to use and send an email to with the client id and client secret to start the process.

We will then send you a url to add as an authorized redirect url and setup your aristotle instance for single sign on. After that you should be able to login with your provider via a button on the login page.

If you are unsure how to setup an OIDC client send us an email with the identity provider you are using and we will be happy to help.


If you have a SAML provider you want to use, send an email to with your SAML metadata document or a url that points to one along with your email attribute name if you have a custom one.

We will then send you our reply url and entity id for you to configure a new application with and setup single sign on your aristotle instance. After that you should be able to login with your provider via a button on the login page.

If you are unsure how to get this information send us an email with the identity provider you are using and we will be happy to help.