The Aristotle Metadata Public REST API Changelog

API change notification policy

  • Backwards compatible API changes will be announced via the Aristotle Metadata Community - - 1 week prior to the implementation of any changes.

  • Backwards incompatible changes will be announced via the Aristotle Metadata Community - - 4 weeks prior to the implementation of any changes.

    Note: a backwards incompatible change is:

    • The removal of any API field
    • The change to the data type of any field
    • The addition of a mandatory API parameter
    • The removal of an API parameter

    Backwards incompatible changes do not include the addition of a field or the addition of an optional API parameter.

V4 API Changelog

  • Release 5.0.1 on 7-March-2022
    • Added new GET parameter to /api/v4/metadata/*. New parameter is lang that accepts a ISO 639-1 language code, such as en for English or fr for French. Language code determines language returned for name and definition of all metadata.
    • Affects the following request types:
      • GET: retrieve a specific metadata item
      • PUT/PATCH: update a specific metadata item
      • POST: create a specific metadata item
  • Release 4.26.0 on 9-Feb-2022
    • Added new API endpoint /concept/{id}/destroy/ that accepts an id or uuid for the following request types:
      • GET: retrieve a specific metadata item.
      • PUT/PATCH : update a specific metadata item.
      • DELETE : soft delete a specific metadata item.
  • Release 4.25.1 on 18-Jan-2022
    • Added a new API endpoint /summary_statistic_types/summary_statistic_types/ that accepts the following request types .
      • GET : retrieve a list of summary_statistic_types.
      • POST : create a summary_statistic_type.
    • Added new API endpoint /summary_statistic_types/summary_statistic_types/{item_id} that accepts the following request types.
      • GET : retrieve a specific summary_statistic_type.
      • PUT/PATCH : update a specific metadata item.
    • Added a new field summary_statistics to the existing field distributiondataelementpath_set in the response body when calling the following APIs:
      • /metadata/distribution
      • /metadata/distribution/{item_id}
  • Release 4.25.0 on 2-Dec-2021
    • Backwards-incompatible change Removed dataset field from the response data when calling the following APIs:
      • /metadata/distribution
      • /metadata/distribution/{item_id}
      • Note: users who rely on the above APIs to retrieve dataset will be impacted.
    • Added a new field datasetdistributionpath_set to the response data when calling the following APIs:
      • /metadata/dataset
      • /metadata/dataset/{item_id}
    • Added a new API endpoint /tags/favourite/ to favourite a metadata item.
    • Added a new API endpoint /tags/favourite/{id} to remove the favourite tag from a specific metadata item.
  • Release 4.24.0 on 16-Nov-2021
    • Added a new API endpoint /reportquery/ to create a report query when generating a report.
    • Added a new API endpoint /reportquery/list/ to retrieve a list of existing report query.
    • Added a new API endpoint /reportquery/{uuid}/ that accepts the following request type:
      • GET : to retrieve a specific report query.
      • PUT/PATCH : to update a specific report query.
      • DELETE : to delete a specific report query.