The Aristotle GraphQL API ========================= Description ----------- The Aristotle GraphQL API provides read access to system data through the use of GraphQL queries. See for more information You can test it out in GraphiQL by visiting ``https://api/graphql`` Usage from external applications -------------------------------- To query GraphQL from external applications you should use the ``https://api/graphql/json`` endpoint. You can use a GET request with the query and optional JSON encoded variables parmaters for example: https://api/graphql/json?query={metadata{edges{node{uuid}}}}&variables=" optional JSON encoded variables " Or you can make a POST request with either JSON or direct GraphQL. JSON must be submitted with the ``application/json`` content type and be in the following form with variables being optional. :: { "query": ... "variables": { ... } } To submit a query directly you can use the ``application/graphql`` content type, although you will not be able to provide variables, making JSON the preferred method. The response (from either a GET or POST request) will be JSON in the form ``{"data": { ... }}`` if the query was successful or ``{"errors": [ ... ]}`` if there was an error. Authentication -------------- By default the GraphQL endpoint will provide only public content. To access private content a token must be provided in the Authorization header in the form ``Token mytoken``. These tokens can be created from the token management page accessible from ``/api/``